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Computer Experts - need advice please


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Ok, here's a simple answer to your question. Make two partitions, put your personal OS and software on D: and your kids or whoever on C:. This way when the memory hogs install something it will naturally go to the C: drive which has all of their crap on it. You will need a partition selector program(I can't think of a good one). Your OS WILL run faster and you will be happier.


I'm off to defragment my hard drive now...:lmao:

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I nearly posted the same comment... then decided to leave it alone;)


You will need seperate OS installs, One on each partion. Just to clairify 280zwitha383's reply. I would not trust seperate users.
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LOL... You did the right thing, (goldfish). It's just that multiple cooks tend to confuse the stew:wink: I could consolidate all this into one simple post but I'll leave that to you. HINT: Multiple partitions and boot utilities (or BIOS settings):D


It was prob'ly good enough, but I'm in the mindset of dealing w/ morons at work today. Retail computer repair suxs ( I need a new job) and was compeled to state obivious stuff. :(
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MS VirtualPC 2004 is now a free download... I'm using this to test some software under XP/SP2 while still running our SOE of XP/SP1 as the host OS.

Hmmm.... I need to check that out, still useing VMware GSX server for all my testing.

Is it any good?



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