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My thoughts on the JTR mounting position

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POP... Check out the scans in post #13. I don't see how the holes can be redrilled more than a couple of inches laterally plus there seems to be no room for longitudinal movement at all. Am I missing something? I probably am because I really DON'T know what I'm doing with these.


If you confine the mounting holes to the area of the stock JTR plate you are right. But if you cut a larger piece of plate, then you can position the mounting holes anywhere you want. I have been having a very easy time cutting plate with a simple cut off disk mounted in a standard 7 1/4 inch circle saw. For some of the smaller cuts I use a die grinder and a hacksaw. The two sets of bolt holes could overlap, but IIRC there is a spacer between the datsun tower and the plate. Thus in theory one could make two plates and use studs, or some such arrangement.


I have to admit the stock towers do look cheesy, but you can't argue with what works. I am making a new crossmember for my LS2 install so my stock towers got cut off a long time ago. But to brace the new xmember I keep looking at the stock set up wondering just how strong I need to make the supports/braces.


Turbo Meister's set up is some serious do-do. The only thing he missed is reactive armor.

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Thanks POP. I may cut some new plates using the JTR's as starting points. Do I have my directions right on bolt placement (which direction to move them)? See post #13.

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