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Idle problem


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I just got my car running but the problem now is it runs for only 20- 30 secs. and dies, I have been playing with the after start enrichments setting but can get the car to stay ildleing. I have been reading the manual about calibrating the TPS, but when I input the reading megatune tells me the " value looks funny" I have try to adjust the TPS by moving it back and forward, but any reading I input in the calibration box tells me it's looks funny.

This how I'm calibrating the TPS.

1 tools

2 click on get current

3 click on cancel

4 click on tools, clibrate TPS

5 ENTER the value plus add 2 ( so if I got lets say 34, when I ckeck I add 2 and enter 36)

Is the way to set the TPS calibration? I not sure it this has anything to do with the car not running for more than 30,seconds or not.


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If MT doesn't like your TPS settings, then you have to figure that out first. What typically happens is the VREF and GND are wired wrong (outside pins on TPS connector. Try swapping the VREF and GND signals on the TPS. If they are wired wrong, the TPS calibration will return a lower value for WOT vs. idle. MT wil report that something is funny.

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Do you have the spark inverted in the spark settings menu? Are you using the VB921 to fire the coil? If you the spark output must be inverted, or the VB921 will overheat.


can you give us more information about your setup?



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I'm not familiar with your TPS setting proceedure. I just "get current" when the throttle is closed... put my foot on the go-pedal and hold it here - and then "get current" for the open throttle position.


The way to check your throttle position is to turn on that guage in the megatune window. It ought to read 0% with your foot off of the gas and 100% with it floored.


Once you get this right - we'll talk more about your ignition problem.

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No spark at all? How do you have the coil wired? What coil are you using? Sounds to me like your VB921 coil driver is shot. Did you run it at all with the spark output not inverted? It will overheat and burn up in a matter of minutes if you did. What is your dwell set to? It should be in the 2.5 to 3.0mS range for a stock ZX coil. Did you run it with a large dwell setting for a period of time. This could also damage the VB921.

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The car have intermiting spark, it will start run for a litttle while no more than a min. if that long and dies. When I pull the coil wire and hold it body of the car to ckeck for spark theres none.

my dewell setting is 4.0, 2.8- running and .1

My coils is stock, I have the (+) hooked up to the (+) side of the fuel and the (-) to the relay board pin # 5

I just went o try and start it again nothing it does not have any spark.

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The VB921 will only get warm if it is firing the coil. So when it dies, if you crank it, you get no spark? Or does it then start and run for a few seconds?


Yes when it dies I pull the coil wire and check and there no spark, Other times it will not run because there no spark, after it sit for a while it might run but soon dies again, when it loose spark

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I have a feeling that something is not right in how the VB921 is connected to the coil. Check your wiring again. Let the car sit, then have someone else start while you put your finger on the VB921. If something is shorted, it can heat up quickly, causing it to dies after a few seconds. That is where I would look.

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