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does anyone know?

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i have a 280z as my first project car, but besides the fact that it needs a oil change and i dont know how to go get it done, cuz the car won't start to go take it their.

but my question is (non mechanically inclined question).... doe anyone know of a progrma that i can run off a laptop and and connect it to the car so it can tell me what wrong, kind of like a diagnostic test on my car?

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Lets see here....you have a 280z. Assuming your quoting the badging on the car properly this means it's anything from 1975-1978. How about we looks at computer technology from back then...Oh yeah, there was practically nothing to speak of so, no it has no ports to plug into and there's no way for the car to tell you what's wrong... Go Here:

http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/ And study and learn.

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