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Roll Cage Progress Pics

Booztd 3

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I stopped by the cage-builder's shop today to check things out. The cage was supposed to be finished by this weekend however he got sick and only worked about 20 hours last week.....oh well.


I am pretty impressed so far, he's doing everything he can to make sure I have good head clearance, and will still be able to get all the body panels back in with minimal modification. I'll even have full functionality with the T-tops















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Looking Great sofar .. man there is allot of wiring in a twin !!!!

It always gives you a good feeling seeing stuff like this evolve.


Are you going to use the car without a helmet aswel ? if so i would rake the main hoop back a bit more, as i visualize it the seats being under there and so your head is under the cage .. witch make it a utility probably causing harm apart from safety. ( or at least a good bump on the head when you are not fully strapped) i might be wrong given the locating of the belt in the door .. but then length comes in to play aswel i guess..

Is it my imagination or is the main hoop welded together from more than one part? i would not want that either.


See the rake in my main hoop, i had it bent by my friend shop, but did the welding myself .. so no pro job, but for reference what i mean



Next to that how will you keep the tops functional? i have thought about this but never really had the answer apart from moving them inward or outward.. both don't have my preference. very curious what you have come up with .. def something more people here will have issues with.

Well don't get me wrong im not a pro cage builder, but my friend is, and i did pay loads of attention there.


just my 02 cents worth, not trying to put you down, but now you can still ask him to make changes.

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