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Secondary Income Ideas?


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How about building a website for "Automated Confession". The Pope will love it. Just Paypal to the Vatican and then email or voice your confession, then it automatically gives you your penance of 10-20 Hail Marys!! :mrgreen::icon56::burnout:


Joking aside, I know a gazillion people who write up HOW TO manuals on any subject and market them. You'll be surprised as to how many people pay for that stuff!!


Good luck.

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Guest Aussie-Marco260Z

Here is an idea:icon15::


Do computer assembly, and if your expertise allow, perform maintenance on the systems you build. Thus you will build a good customer base & support record and hence, a good rep; then on the side, I'd say, if you got enough 'meat on the bone', buy some shares with minimal risk but medium dividend yeild. You won't make a fortune overnight, but the dollars add up over the years, once the shares 'pay themselves' off, the rest is raw profit.


Oh, hello all, first post from down-under here!:icon14:

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Actually... MAMBA has suggested (although in gest) a money-maker with the automated on-line confessional. As stoopid as it sounds it would make lots of $$$ none-the-less... just nothing from my pocket.

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