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Which Isky cam should I go with?

Guest 280ZForce

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Guest 280ZForce
Where did you get the Greddy manifold at?

website or link please.

they were never available here in the US as far as I know. They were only made in Japan for a limited time I think and they were discontinued quite awhile back, years ago I would imagine. Some have made there way to the states for the few that are still in existence. But all in all, a pretty rare piece.


I was fortunate enough to have come across 1 that a member on here was selling and I jumped on it right away, and it took him 2 years to even find 1.

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Yes, BRAAP summed up what I was getting at. If you talk with Ron at Isky, you will find that even they had different ramps. Their old early 70's grinds were basically just V8 profiles put on a Nissan Blank. This is why Racer Brown Cams were THE mod to have for serious racers in the early days. Eventually when he got his degree and started development work in the late 70's after his time in the service they totally changed the way they ground Nissan Cams to great effect.


Even to this day, Raon will tell you they get "Grind X" from some builder, and it's a direct copy of one of their early grinds.


Some grinders do an Assymetric Grind, some don't. Nissan DID. And for good reason, it allows more power (like Braap said) with less valve hysterisis.


If you have duration at 050 on a symmetric cam, it's effective duration is actually quite a bit less than the same cam ground assymetrically. And valvetrain stability will be better with the Assymetric grind. To get the equivalent time 'under the ramp' as Braap put it on a symetric cam, your lobe profile simply would not be functionally possible, or would be very unstable in regards to valvetrain stability...let's not even get into lost power from heavy springs to control symetric ramps...


You will never get the whole story from a cam grinder, you will have to buy it's product, test it, and then decide.


I buy from Isky, frankly, because Ron knows his poop when it comes to Datsun Cam Profiles. When I asked questions of him, he didn't get offended but like any good engineer gave me the straight engineering analysis of why the grind he suggested would be better for what I was doing than what I had envisioned.


I referred JeffP to him, with distinct instructions: Don't tell him what you think your ideal cam will be, tell him what you want and let him tell you and see if you agree with it. Jeff called me after their conversation and remarked that the duration, timing, etc were VERY close to what he thought he should have---though Ron's recomendation was more agressive on lift. Some guys will steer their conversation towards what you want to hear, but Ron won't. he has very specific ideas (backed up by experience) on what will work---and more importantly why.


I didn't want this to sound like an Ad for Isky, but of the people I have talked to very few impressed me with their honesty and straightforward talk. Ron is one of those. And that means a lot to me.


I digress...

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