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Anyone know the history of my 260z?


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I posted this question because I didn't know where to put it. Well, anyway. Does anyone know about the history of my 260z? It used to be in california with license plate 3VHR693 and was transported to cold country of finland in year 2000. It has been in L.A ranch warehousing in year 2000 for some reason(to be fixed I guess...). And before that I think it has been bought from salvage auction 1999. Has anyone owned this car before? or know the history before 1999? Why the car has been painted yellow that bronze? How bad accident has happened to the car? Any information would be nice. The information, which I most would like to have is what kind of accident has happened to the car.

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Well, I guess no one has any info about my car. That's a shame. Well, could anybody tell me if LA ranch warehousing still exists and do they have any e-mail address so I could ask them if they could tell me something about my car?

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Blobber, Nissan made tens of thousands of these cars. In the US, the average time ownership for cars is about 5-7 years or so. Considering the date the car was manufactured, it is highly unlikely it has a traceable history at all unless it was a race car, custom show car, or concours car. I came up with nothing regarding a Google search of the business you mentioned. Good luck.



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Man to be honest I have had same tag on my Z for past 4 years and I have no idea what it is from top of my head well I do know that first digit is 2 lol. Unless your car had custom tag or if it had some extreme work done to it your chance about fiding anything about it are very slim.



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Try http://www.dmv.ca.gov as a starting point. Since your car came from California, it should be formerly registered on there.


If you don't have the title for the car in CA, you can try registering it here.


If you try and register it in CA, they will probably ask you to send certified letters out to the previous owners, which they will give you the addresses for. With those letters, you might be able to ask the previous owners about the car.


using publicly available information: your plate # and the site below,




According to the department of consumer affairs in CA, your car failed the smog check in 09/08/1999 about 50 miles east of my current location. That's probably why it was parked and exported. None of this matters anymore, even in CA due to current exemptions of 1975 and older vehicles from the vehicle smog checks. If you were to register it in CA, they miiiight make you pass the smog check as your vehicle failed the last one but then you would be exempt from the 2 year roll. I believe this is what it said in the BAR manual excerpts from CVC.


Also, if you punch in the vin, publicly available after using the license plate method, you get the old blue california license plate:


477 LMP


The 3V series was probably issued in 97 after the first smog check on record as I had a 3R in 96 and a friend had a 4B in 98. you might be able to find more info on this plate somewhere else?

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