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After installing the rear-main cap, the main oil seal isn't flush with the block....


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I lined up the main seal on the crankshaft, after placing the crankshaft in the block. But while installing the rear-main cap I forgot to check the oil seal. So now after having installed the rear-main cap using sealer, the side seals and torqued down all the main studs I see that the oil seal isn't square on the crankshaft. And also, it isn't flush with the block, but pushed a wee bit further in. Is this a big problem, so I have to undo everything? Or can I just leave it be?

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no experience here, but I think you should fix it. It will be much more of a pita later to fix.


My own personal guidelines are that if I have to ask, it probably needs to be corrected. Even if I could get away with it, I would wind up worrying about it, and its not worth it.

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My sentiments exactly... if it doesn't look right, you'll worry about it, whether it works at first or not. Ease your mind and worries by correcting it now and forgetting about it. Nothing worse than wondering when it's gonna fail because you skipped correcting something easy at first.


Just a personal view.



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