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Engine cutting off

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let me start over...this problem most often occurs during a cold start (ie in the morning starting the car for the first time of the day) While warming up/ or just getting to correct idle rpms she sometimes "cuts off" I know this description is vague. There is no hessitation from lack of 02, has a good charge and spark, doesnt stutter or cough from lack of fuel, the fuel pump does go out from time to time, which I cannot narrow down if it is a loose connection or bad relay. When the car shuts off there is no "warning signs", the rpms drop to zero and the car dies...but i can immediatley restart the vehicle. this problem has been happening since I've owned it @ 4yrs. This problem has only happened once or twice while driving. Any other info i have left out I will gladly post...

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i have an 82zxt.........when i start her up and let her warm up it sometimes cuts off....like someone hitting a light switch no warning no stuttering, lack of 02 (at least its not choking, that I can hear). Will a bad or soon to be fuel pump cause this??? She show no signs whatsoever before this happens but usually starts rite back up..

Any help would be great...


LMAO… laugh.gif Umm.. Well based on that not so vague description of what is happening, I can personally list at least 100+ reasons of what could be causing your problem, but I’m sure that huge long list of “what ifs” will do you about as much good as your detailed description does for us in our wanting to help you…


You NEED to give us a LOT more information than just, “the engine cuts off”, whatever the term “cuts off” means as it can be interpreted in several different ways… gh.gif

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