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bought a bad car! what to do?

Guest JuDawg

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Guest JuDawg

haha how would you go about "taking care" of it? i'm a bit curious lol but seriously if you can help me take care of it, then that would be super!

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What ever you do - dont show your hand too soon.


Approach him nonshalantly (sp?) and he'll nod at ya; probably ask, "How's that car treat'n ya?" To which you'll say, Well, that's kind've why I'm here.


Then go into the story you gave us w/out making any threats or comments - simply tell him your adventure and be quiet.


You want to be quiet because it is now his turn to respond. Anything he says at this point will tell you what kind've guy he is. If he is a devious deceptive thief - he'll try to posture in a way that will be clear to you he is a liar.


If he is sincere about the incedent being an accident (even tho he clearly misprepresented the car) then he'll apologize and side step yada yada yada.


Serriously - after you tell him about your adventure - shut up and let him go on until you have a clear idea of what his intentions are, or are not.


If he is apologetic - then say you appreciate his concern; but that his concern doesnt pay your money that you are out of pocket and that it is the out of pocket money that is the reason you are here.


Then ask him what he would do if he found himself in your shoes?


Again, let him speak and ramble at this point. The more you can get him to speak the more you will get a feel about his character.


If he is a total but/jerk about everything and threatens for you to get off his property or he'll call the police - then you know he's a total thief. Make your choice to take him to court or call it a learning lesson - as it looks like you got a pretty nicely painted car (hopefully not full of bondo).


If he's starts trying to negotiate w/you then you say, well misunderstandins happen all the time and I believe we can work it out of court. I spent this much on tickets/fines and fees; what do you have that might make our deal good?


Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate!!!


In your negotiations always utilize leading questions that cause you to be quiet and the other party to spill their beans.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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