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what to major in?

Guest Death69

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What do you guys think about Nuclear engineering? Seem like it would have a bright future considering the energy situation.


I did that in the service. Still have a lot of friends in the field. I have been wondering if there will be a resurgence in that area.


Trouble is right now it is a collapsing industry. The US hasn't started a new plant since the 70's. The ones that are running are being decomissioned slowly but surely. 40 years from now none of the current plants will still be operating.


I think the country will have to turn back to nuclear. The only question is how many years it will take.


It is also a tough life working in a nuc plant. Lots of testing and training involved. Worst part is those plants need to be manned 24-7. If you get on with one be prepared to work more than a few night shifts and holidays.


I see a lot of kids coming out of school with large debts. 40K to 50K seems to be typical. I went through on the GI bill and with money I saved while in the service. Lived with mom, worked summers only and went through a state university. Came out completely debt free. Got hired as an engineer and had my employer pay for grad school.


The military is always an option to earn your way through school. Although Iraq makes that a completely different proposition from when I went in back in the 70's. Did 6 years in a peace time military. Hard to imagine these days.


Can't say I have met many engineers who have gotten undergrad degrees with employer money. Get your degrees while you are use to being poor. Having done both it is tough to go back to school once you start working for real.


Having interviewed probably 100 engineers I will say don't get too hung up on big name universities. The overwhelming majority of the engineers I work with graduated from state schools. If you can get financial help, then take the money from the named schools. Otherwise don't run yourself into debt and just study hard. when it comes to getting hired grades mean more than the name of the school.

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