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a public service anouncement for parents w/ kids


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I sure hope this was not your daughter, but if it was, Thank goodness she is OK. I can not possibly imagine the stress brought on by this situation. I have two young sons myself, I do my best to keep them safe, but you never know what might happen. If that was you on the news video, you looked pretty calm considering the situation, good for you. Your daughter did the right thing, she deserves a day or two of "spoiling" for it. Maybe she can share her experience with other kids to educate them. Good luck man, I hope things get back to normal for yu guys very soon.


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yep, that was me. i was not so calm the day before. i got no sleep. i finally realized that there was not much more for me to do about it and was in the hands of the police. yesterday i was supoosed to go to work but the phone would not stop ringing. one interview after another. might as well tell others about it so that there may not be another. try to turn this negative into a positive.


i just thank god that she is ok and we will get through this. she is a shy little girl and am affraid that she may close up a little but i know she will be ok. i have 3 more girls after her to worry about as well.



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