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bomb threat at my school

Guest Death69

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Guest Death69

Is it just me or are people just going insane lately? at my high school, there was another bomb threat and i decided to stay home this time. the last threat ended up being kinda real because 2 guns were found in bushes before school started. im not really scarred, it just that i know people at my school who get picked on, put in trash cans and spat on (literally, i was a peer councelor) and have talked about getting revenge. its crazy

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People seem to have trouble dealing with the stresses of daily life. More and more I see people with social disorders and stress related conditions because everyone is pressed so hard to be what's expected of them everywhere they go. Kids in school are expected to learn, understand and score high on everything. The class work and level of intellect involved in schools today are much higher and it's pushing some kids too hard. The ones that can manage it seem to have a more general understanding of the world or are simply social outcasts due to the pressures of parents and teachers. I wonder if they'll ever come to point where school boards will recognize the need for a more grounded and relaxing work enviroment for kids. Think about it, if you took a corporate office building and tore down all the cubicles and walls around everyone, how stressed out do you think everyone would become? Classrooms are just like this. Cubicles make for a more personal enviroment to work in, more relaxing and comfortable. School desks and open classrooms make everyone anxious and uncomfortable. Some kids cope by being the class clown, some reject others and close themselves off socially and others bottle everything in and eventually become our social walking time bombs.

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Bomb threats at schools are not new, enhanced media coverage of them is. When I went to high school we got about 6 in one year, and that's in booring Delaware. If one were to happen now, it would be on CNN for at least 3 hours.


The funny thing is there is never a bomb.

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hey guys wen i lived in the us when i was 14 i went to school there for 6 months we had something like 15 bomb threats in a country town lol very funny kinda miss u.s schools but yer australia is rad.



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