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Moved the Proportioning valve

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I'm in the middle of converting from carbs to FI and as the intake manifold is off, I thought "While I'm at it, why don't I move the adjustable prop valve?". When I installed the rear discs, I mounted the prop valve on the fender wall just above the distribution block. It was quick and easy, but a pain to fine tune the brake bias. But I knew that with the triples on the intake, it would be virtually impossible to install and bend the brake lines.


Also, as my interior is in good condition, I didn't want to mount it on the transmission tunnel like I've seen others do. It would be fine for a track car, but this one is still in very good condition and I didn't want the passenger to have brake lines running next to their legs. So instead I fabbed a bracket to mount it just under the dash on the driver's side just above the tunnel. Turns out there is a metal brace/strut that appears to help locate the radio and I was able to attach to that.


I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out in that the prop valve isn't out in the open but it's still easy to adjust while driving. Also, the "While I'm at it..." project had a happy ending without any significant pain and suffering. It's been a while since I've had that happen :)







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I like your idea. I am about to install a bias valve and have been pondering a location. Like you I did not want the valve sitting next to my legs or those of the passenger, nor did I like the idea of having to pop the hood to make adjustments. Besides, this set up will make good use of the two holes that are already in the firewall!


Good work,


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