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Turn Signal Lever Won't Stay Engaged

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I promised I've searched, and couldn't find any posts like my problem.


I have a '77 2+2, and the turn signal lever won't stay in position when turning to the right. It works fine to the left, but not to the right. The turn signal bulbs flash correctly if I hold the turn lever up, it just won't stay up by itself :sour: (I've heard there's medication for that!). The problem seems to be completely mechanical. I've looked at the switch (without completely removing it), and don't see anything that looks broken or out of the ordinary. I can't see what holds it in position when left or right is selected, so I'm not sure where to start though. Anybody ever dealt with this problem?

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Thanks for all the input. Here's how I fixed it:




I took a 1/8" drill bit, and elongated the top slot (as compared to the unaltered bottom slot).


It's hard to explain without seeing how the switch moves, but basically there's a metal dowell that runs in these slots. When I turned to the right, the top dowel would hit the end of the slot and cause a pre-load on a spring that is inside the switch. When I released the turn signal lever, this pre-load would kick the lever back to the middle position. Elongating the slot allowed the turn signal lever to be placed in the turn position without pre-loading the spring.

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