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MS up and running


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i got my megasquirt and spark running rebuilt my exaust...it was hanging to low befor

and tied up all my loose ends... almost

i loaded metros msq and it is really close

i havent had a chance to hook a computer up to it but it idles pretty good and revs strong, even did a burnout in my garage to see if it made power and it does

the only things that dont seem right is when starting it seems to crank normaly untill the ms tells the coil to fire(i think) then its like this surge is taken away from the starter... and it struggles when the coil is getting power then fires up


and when i rev it and let off the gas it will die unless i give the throttle a little touch


these are prob minor fixes and ill have a chance to hook my desktop up to it again on monday so ill be udjusting things then


so excited to drive this beast it feels really powerfull


thanks for everything hybriderZ i wouldnt have gotten this far without you



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Glad to hear it's gone so well for you. You might want to look at getting an old laptop to leave in the car. I picked up an older Toshiba, loaded Windows 2000 on it, and power it from an old inverter (120 VAC) that I had. I just leave it on the passenger seat when tuning, and put it behind the seat when I park outside. The laptop was only $100. Craigslist is great for that.


As you get more familiar with MS, you'll want to start datalogging and then using Megalogviewer to help adjust your tables to fine tune. There are other apps as well. Good news is they don't take a lot of computing power, so an old laptop with 256 MB of memory running windows 2000 (even windows 98 is ok) works great.


Have fun!

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i got an old palm but i think ima keep a look out for a cheep laptop the palm seams cheesy but im going to try it and see how it goes

so excited to drive this monster i made

oh yeah my tach dont work haha cut to many wires out hehe

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