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Ralph Nader's hearse?


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Ralph Nader first made his name known to the public by writing a book about the Corvair, "Unsafe at Any Speed". The main point: the wretched bastiches in Detroit conspired to foist an unsafe car on the American public - a car which, because of its' faulty rear engine position, would spin out on corners if entered too quickly. This "over steer" was uncontrollable by humans, and thus invariably lethal. Corvairs, possibly the most forward thinking car fielded by Detroit in decades, was effectively killed by this bad press. To be fair, the thing *would* transition to oversteer on a moments' notice, mostly due to the miserable wet-surface behavior of tires in those days. Also to be fair, many many front-engine / rear-drive cars of the period understeered to the point of plowing along in a perfectly straight line under similar conditions.


It is an interesting aside to note that Volkswagen and Porsche sales were skyrocketing at roughly the same time.


The convertible version of the vehicle pictured is one of the prettiest cars of the 60's - possibly one of the prettiest convertibles ever produced.

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