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I Survrived Deals Gap!!! (Pics!!!)


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The Dragon is an awsome place to drive but take it easy according to this blog from our local newspaper the Knoxville News Sentinel http://blogs.knoxnews.com/knx/smokies/


"NEW TENNESSEE MOTTO ... YOU'ALL DON'T COME BACK NOW. So says one of the irate headlines on the Tail of the Dragon website. The Tail of the Dragon is the nickname for a portion of US 129 in the Deals Gap area flanking the southwestern portion of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. With 318 curves in 11 miles, the road is quite popular with motorcyclists."


"I've driven the Dragon a couple of times, most recently this last fall - its a great drive. I had a midlife-crisis sportscar driver complete with trophy wife (or girlfriend) riding my tail for part of it. Apparently my rental car wasn't taking the curves fast enough for his taste. I also stopped and helped a motorcyclist pick up his bike after he lost it on one of those 318 curves. Fortunately, I think only his pride was hurt, he and the bike were fine, just a few bloody knuckles."


"Two fatal accidents on this road in the last month have triggered increased police patrols on the road, causing some controversy. Click over to the Tail of the Dragon website and read an exchange between the Tennessee Highway Patrol and the motorcycle enthusiasts. Some people are none too happy about the saturation patrols."


"It will be interesting to see how this one plays out. If you take it anytime soon, it would probably be a good idea to really watch your speed."


I have found that fall, just after the color disappears and it's chilly for most bike riders, is a great time for cars to run the dragon. Fewer bikes, cars and cops make for a better run.

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I have made litterally thousands of passes on the Gap in the last 18 years, and it is only getting WORSE!

So many Idiots from Florida, Indiana, Canada etc. are coming here to

"SLAY THE DRAGON" and lots of them are going home in body bags. Doesn't concern me none as long as they GO HOME!

everywhere you look up there, soda cans and bottles, candy wrappers, chip bags, graffiti. PIGS!

Last year I was riding with my "Band of Idiots" buddies. Most of us have rode for a living at 1 time or another. I rode for Suzuki.

but anyway, we were flying through there nose to tail, about 6 of us. I was in 2nd and planning my move, cranked over on my right knee when all of a sudden I lost the front tire, then regained and lost the rear. Ended right side up "THANK GOD" in the ditch. My buddies help me out and we all discuss. While looking the bike over I noticed chocolate on the front tire. not poop! real chocolate. Check the rear, a full king size Snickers and wrapper stuck/smeared to the rear tire. Now I realize this could happen anywhere, anytime. But with all the Wanna bees up here lately...

I mean really, don't they have curvy roads where you live.

and if not, why do we "locals" have to put up with outsiders ruining our back yard stomping ground.?

I have ridden over 20 race tracks in North America alone and none of them are as demanding as the Gap.

Race tracks don't have blind curves, traffic, fallin tree limbs, gravel, deer, bear, hunting dogs. etc. just wide open track.

If you go down at the track, you slide to a stop, pic up your ride and go again.

If you wreck at the Gap and don't fly off the face of the earth. You are lucky.

Basically, If you come here. Come with respect. and bring your "A" game.

And if you don't have 1. STAY HOME!!!


I would like to add that I am in no way pointing the finger at anyone or group of people. Just don't like all the publicity, especially the bad.

also: If my words are too harsh for you than the "Dragon" most certainly is.

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That is sad.

There are a LOT of other roads in the area that are just as good or even better than the dragon. I don't like going around turns THAT much. At the end of 6 runs on the dragon the steering wheel from the Porsche was covering my hands and legs in powder. I like the roads with a little more gentle higher speed turns. It is like AutoX vs. a road course LOL.

The Hellbender is way more fun and less tiring IMO than just running the dragon a bunch. Especially in the Z without power steering and wide tires...

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