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Talking to Americans with Rick Mercer


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Well... I suppose I should hang my head in shame... but since it was hilarious and I managed to avoid the majority of our 12 year educational system and am largely "self-educated" I laughed instead. Wouldn't mind seeing a "Talking to Canadians" version though... I have spent many hundreds of hours gaming with Canadian friends in my headset.... that would be similarly amusing = )

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Well, I'm Canadian and I can understand that Americans might not know the names of our politicians and national monuments & attraction but, Rhinoceroses in northern Saskatchewan and Mammoths in Labrador!!!


Come on!!!


I think that if the situation would be turned around, we Canadians MIGHT fare A BIT better as I'm pretty sure American politics are way more televised here in Canada than the other way around.


You also have to take into account that this is a comedy show so, they did take the most stupid answers of the bunch to put on the show...


The sad part is when he asked POLITICIANS and university HISTORY TEACHERS & STUDENTS and they don't have a clue that this is a joke...


Bush didn't even realized that he used our Prime Minister's first name with Russia's President's last name...


And the guy who said he was studying Russia didn't know that Saskatchewan was not near Tchetchenia but, a Canadian province...

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I don't know whether to resent or be grateful that American politics and pop culture are popular outside of the country. On the one hand, it makes the US an easy target for everything everyone despises about the US but it also means we aren't bombarded with highlights of Canadian, UK or French politics on nightly TV. (Although I must say I wouldn't mind seeing footage again of Mohawk Indians running around Ontario or wherever it was on golfcarts toting AK-47s, now that was hilarious! Seconded only by jacka$$ French truckdrivers on strike turning their motorways into parking lots...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)

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  gogriz91 said:
...(Although I must say I wouldn't mind seeing footage again of Mohawk Indians running around Ontario or wherever it was on golfcarts toting AK-47s, now that was hilarious!...


First of all what you are referring to happened in the province of Quebec, near where I live and it wasn't funny at all. + You might also find HILLARIOUS the fact the AK-47 toting, MOST trouble making, faction of those Mohawks came from your side of the boarder, (In fact some weren't even mohawks at all, some were hired mercenaries) in reinforcement for their Canadian friends and that these same Mohawks, from both sides of the boarder, are responsible for a huge drugs, weapons and illegal immigrants smuggling organisation by profiting from their NATIVE status with all the advantages it gives them.

Some of those advantages are: don't pay for electricity, don't pay taxes and they can go about, from one side of the boarder to the other without being bothered.



I'm sorry if this comes out as harsh but, you just brung back some not so good memories and you are laughing at it at the same time, people were stuck without being able to go to work for months, people were killed and people lost there homes and all they had in this event so I don't find that hilarious at all.


The point of this tread, I think, was to laugh at how stupid some people can be, not to laugh at other's misery.


Canadian or U.S.A. residents, we are all, in fact, AMERICANS as we all live in AMERICA and I'm pretty sure we have a lot of the same stupid people on our side of the boarder.

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