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Driveshaft vibration

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I’m having a driveline vibration problem with my LT1 T56 280Z. I did have a pinion alignment issue which I corrected using the laser methods posted here (thank you all) and now have pinion to trans alignment of less than 1 deg and a driveshaft angle of about 2 deg. This cleared up the vibration under load completely. As I continue my testing I discovered I have what feels like driveshaft vibration at about 4500 to 5000 rpm (driveshaft not engine rpm). It is not related to load, just speed. Does anyone know of a driveshaft shop that can high speed balance a driveshaft with an R200 pinion flange? The places I’ve found ether don’t have the fixture for the R200 flange or can’t do high speed. Some have offered to balance it without the flange but as the guy at Denny’s Driveshafts said, “that would be like balancing your wheels then mounting your tiresâ€. My driveshaft is the stock 95 Camaro cut down with the JTR adaptor. The place that did the work can’t high speed balance. Any help is appreciated.

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If it is speed related, have you ruled out the wheel/tire balancing? As I see it, the only factor the flange should have is if the driveshaft is not centered perfectly on the flange, or that the driveshaft has a loose fit prior to final torquing down (which introduces some possible offset). If it is perfectly centered (and it is a tight fit that cannot change if R&R), then you should be able to balance the shaft without the flange and be good to go.

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Thanks Terry,


Yes I'm sure its not wheel balance. I have the rear up on blocks and no wheels and I can make it happen. I'm going to see if I can do the hose clamp trick - so far I was able to make it worse! - maybe I can make it go away. I think I may just have a poorly done balance job - not going back to that shop, the guy really scared me - tried to tell me electric motor RPMs are different than engine RPMs. I'm pretty sure I have the flange tightened properly - I got everything snug before I tightened it up. If the JTR flange on a properly done driveshaft has been good for others that’s good enough for me. I'm thinking of just having a real shaft made at one of the reputable racing supply places (Dynatec, Denny's or someplace recommended here ;))

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If you already have a GM transmission and the JTR diff flange adapter, you should not be using any Nissan U-joints.

If you gotta use a Spicer 1310 size u-joint to fit the JTR adapter, I believe Spicer does make a 1350 to 1310 combo u-joint; PN 5-460X (don't quote me on the part number.).

Good luck with your new driveshaft quest.


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