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Nissan Patrol's TB48 Engine


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I think that would be awesome to see one in a Z. Ive seen vids on youtube of turbo'd patrols pulling wheelies for 1000's of feet on sand and Ive also seen vids of a patrol DESTROYING a crotch rocket on a freeway roll on. absolutely insane.


imagine taking that engine and putting it in a chassis that weighs almost 2000lbs less.

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I was just wondering what would be like. here in the Philippines the patrol came out latest with the TB48DE engine upgrade from TB45. It seems that it got a lot of torque.


I haven't seen any Z that got transplanted with that. I also have limited pics of the said engine.


Thanks Guys!!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I'v been thinking about a swap , Im comparing the RB26DETT with the TB48DE.

The TB is similar to the RB in Design but more updated.

heres the website we have in Kuwait


I checked the prices on the TB engines its 1200 Kuwait Dinars thats 400KD more the RB26.

I would like to do the TB swap but its too expensive for me.

but Im still considering it if I find a cheap engine

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  HowlerMonkey said:
How heavy is that engine..........I've been considering a RD28TI since it is light but hp potential is pretty low.


I dunno about both of those comments.


People put eights into their Z, they're pretty heavy. The only thing about the swap might be the amount of weight sitting forward of the front axle centreline with the long six cylinder donk.


Horsepower is something that may not be record breaking, but the torque......:shock:


And an RD28 wouldn't be particularly light, about the same as the L I would've thought.

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from what i have red a lot of the v8, arnt any hevyer than the l series

How ever i am not a fan of puting v8,s in zeds i am also not a fan of interbreeding , they should stay nissan but thats just my opinion


check out this 916 rwhp tb48 on the dyno



patrol burn out


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  • 6 months later...

I heard from one of my friends that a guy in U.A.E did the swap TB48DE on a Z but he said it was too big in size for the Z so alotta custom work is required & he had problems with the Oil Sump. says it was too large, kinda similar with the RB26's Oil sump since the both have front diff(AWD)

I'll try to dig up pix if possible & I'll ask about the weight of the TB48DE.

But seriously the TB48 has Chaotic potential. It can be Stroked to 5.15 by Brian Crower & when Turbo charged the Nissan Patrols have been flying around the streets of Kuwait making me think twice about racing any even though I got an RB26 in my Z =p

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