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'86 Nissan Micra (K10 with MA12S engine) NEED FSM


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Hi Friends,


I need to know if anyone here has access to an FSM for a Nissan Micra...K10 chassis with the MA12 engine, or the MA10 engine if it has the same head bolt pattern and whatnot.


I'm basically replacing all the gaskets on the 1.2 litre on my friends micra, and we're reusing the head bolts (i know, i know... bla bla bla. save it)...


I need to know if someone with the haynes or the factory service manual can scan me the pages that involve removing the head. there should be like 8 or 9 pages.




thanks everyone. I hope to be replacing it on the weekend.



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K So I got the gasket kit.


it comes with everything that a Nissan VRS Kit comes with. But I still don't have instructions on torque specs for anything in the head except for the head bolts :(


I Figure replacing the valve seals would involve removal of the cam for this engine. so don't i need the torque values for the cam retainers or anything?


this smells :(

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a micra in north america? huh?




Yes, they were sold across Canadian dealerships.


They came with the burley 1.0 MA10S and then the gargantuan 1.2 MA12S.


this particular Micra had 86,000 km on the odo, and had the timing belt replaced at 50,000 for some reason.


I'm not sure if we should do the timing belt once more, however, we will be using the sentra service manual, and getting our torque values from there. I can't even find a haynes book for this thing, they were only published in the UK, I believe. But I really only need it for the cam cap bolts, as the head bolt values are in the owners manual (I guess nissan figured that it was all a person would need to replace their headgasket, if they chose to do it on their own).


It's the Nissan March or the March R Plasma SuperTurbo that you're probably surprised about, and in the K10 time-line, they were the same car.



Pics of before, during, and after process to come.



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I finally got the FSM, did the headgasket swap, and the 4th cylinder piston ring is pooched, so it's leaking still. But the valve seals are replaced and they are not leaking anymore (they literally slid off).


So the car still gets to 130 km/h, but with 3 cylinders, and it pops and purges smoke and oil through the exhaust at times.


11 hours straight of removing, re-timing, re-sealing, re-vacuum-lining, and re-torquing the head, + 2 hours of trouble shooting.


When taking the head off, we noticed that the timing was advanced on the crank by 1 tooth. So I reset it back to factory spec and it didn't hold an idle well. So I just put it back to what I saw it at when we took it apart, and it worked like it did before.


The 4th Cylinder valve was DISGUSTING. Literally baked with carbon deposits.


for 200 bucks, it wasn't a bad experience, and it got my buddy to work. he works 2 days and gets the 200 back, and HE has never done a head swap before, so it was a worthwhile experience for him.


I'll probably be completely rebuilding a micra 1.2 litre, and mega-squirting it. That would be extremely fun, but he doesn't wanna spend too much.


Cheers everyone,



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