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Catfish "Noodling" Video


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Thanks OTM for sharing this video. It brings back many memories; not noodling but bank fishing.


According to the files on my hard-drive, the following (I believe) is the current record for blue catfish. It was caught in the Mississippi River close to the merger with the Ohio River. Story was posted on the Internet. This fish weighed 124 lbs.




At this time, Lake Texoma held the record at 121 lbs. This Tex/ok fish was taken to a large aquarium to live out its days.


This little one was caught at Lake Texoma by jkh & friend. A great day to be fishing. BigSmilie was returned to the lake after 30 minutes being a star.




Fishing is now my second hobbie. As one noted here, half of my income is taken by my Zcar. :eek:


Thanks, again. OTM.....


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