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Gotta pull head w/o being at TDC, any advice?


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Yes. Rotating the engine until it is TDC is just a precauntionary measure incase you lose your mark. I have always just marked the timing chain link and cam gear and make sure the chain is secure.


Edit: On second though, you are going to have to remove your valve in #6. The above only works if your cam gear stays in position, which it is unlikely to do if you are replacing a valve.

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The first time I wedged the timing chain to get out of removing the front cover..............I wound up removing it anyway....................I removed one bunch of heads and front covers over the years due to blown head gaskets from overheating.....and found about 90 % of the timing chains off the marks. The timing and fuel delivery was then adjusted to account for the timing chain error. I always figured the former mechanics wedged the timing chain. Some people claim they can do this and get away with the practice.........I never could even with a commercial wedge

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there is really nothing to it. Like KTM said.

Wedge the chain tensioner. Put a PAINT mark on your favorite chain link and the tooth on the cam gear that your favoirite link aligns with.

Tear down!


I made my own wedge from a pine 1x4. used a cheap screw in hook on top to give me something to pull on to get it out.

good luck.


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timing marks only help to make a quick replacement of head-gaskets in this scenario.


I've removed heads without aligning the marks (not on a V engine yet, though).


align the marks on the block + timing sprocket


head + cam gear, you can put it back on easy.

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