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whats wrong with my account?

aziza z

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Something is wrong with my account recently. The site is fast when im not logged in, but right after i log in, It lags like no other. Sometimes the pages don't even load (just a blank page). Thought it was my internet connection but all the other site load up fast. So I had an old SN that i never use, i log into that and its also pretty fast. So whats wrong with my account (and how can i fix it?)

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Mozilla has problems with memory leaks... not much you can do other than to close Mozilla, make sure Mozilla and any dependent processes are killed in Task manager, and possibly resort to restarting the computer. This should be resolved with the the release of v3.0, coming soon. One way of troubleshooting it would be to run IE or Opera for a few days and see if the problem is actually specific to Mozilla.

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