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Dell transferred me seven times within an hour of held calls and dead end discussions. They cannot help me other than to sell me overpriced parts, and deny that there was ever an upgrade available for my computer.


Dell knew about the poor Motherboards but failed to notify XPS700 owners. They just put out a generic announcement. By the time I had the problem with my Motherboard, the free replacement program is over and Dell "deny's" it ever existed.









I would just go out and buy a generic motherboard but the Aluminum Dell case does not use an available Motherboard format. It requires a Dell sourced motherboard which is 3x more expensive than an off-the-shelf. Between work and home I have spent over $10K with Dell in the past two years and get no respect.



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I know but you have to see this case. It's beautiful. I might have a lead on a used XPS710 motherboard that was pulled for upgrade. Fingers crossed.


The case is extruded 3/16" Anodized Aluminum and the side opens up and closes as tight as a car door with rubber seals. I know it's just a case, but it's also art.


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