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Could this be a head gasket issue?


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Well it just seems like theres no end to the issues I have to deal with. Doing some tuning with megasquirt (which seems to be working well btw) I try and accelerate and bang! I stop immediately, it still idles, but barely. I limp home (parents house) hating myself because I think I've toasted something.


I do a pressure test and its strong 120 psi across the board but the 5th and 6th spark plugs are black.


I pulled the fuses out of the relay board so that I wasn't spraying fuel during the pressure test and when I was putting them back I notice that all I did was blow a fuse for the injectors. I had the PWM Current Limit too high I think.


Anyways, I change the fuse and its running good again, but I'm losing a fair amount of coolant. I drove the car home that night (25-30 minute drive) and my coolant is down something like 2-3L.


I'm thinking now that I have blown the headgasket and am burning antifreeze in the 5th and 6th cylinders. Am I on the right track, or is this even possible?


btw. I hope to get a good writeup of my project with lots of pictures together soon.

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Are you seeing any white smoke coming out of the tail pipe? Is it pushing coolent out of the coolent resevoir? Have you checked for leaks? you could have a hose leaking but only under pressure. I would get the car up to temp and then check it out while its running. See if you can see anything leaking.

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