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HybridZ loves its guns...


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That High Impulse Weapon System sure is interesing, says 76mm round, wonder what weight on the round / charge. Perhaps direct fire motor round? Modern rocket systems can be fired in rooms, the backblast used to make that a deathwish. This would be alot cheaper and easier to supply than one use disposable rockets.


Can't imagine that the Metal Storm system would be used in such large formations without a better rearming system. Hand loading each barrel on a 24 round launcher, makes more sense to just use a battery of normal automatic grendade launchers adapted to be used in a more accurate system.

Very awesome though!!

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Can't imagine that the Metal Storm system would be used in such large formations without a better rearming system. Hand loading each barrel on a 24 round launcher, makes more sense to just use a battery of normal automatic grendade launchers adapted to be used in a more accurate system.

Very awesome though!!


I think the idea behind it is a fire once, all at once, scenario, take out a whole troop in one quick barrage, and if you had say, 3 people reloading each gun, who had done a fair deal of practice, they could do it rather quick I would say.

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