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Heading Home...


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It's been 6 months and I'm on my way back to the US. Now with some extra cash in hand and some vacation time for the baby, I should have the time and money to fix my 81ZX again. Man it feels good just to be heading home, can't wait to actually get there.


BRAAP - Still waiting on that PM! I know you're busy, but I could really use some advice on this. Thanks man!

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Thanks for the comments guys. Tonight is the flight, I'll be home sometime tomorrow if all goes well. Thank God too, I'm tired of Kuwait. The American dollar isn't worth jack here. The conversion rate I was given was, multiply by 4 and minus 10% which seems to figure out right. I bought a Jewelry set for the wife for $225 US and the Kuwait Dollar conversion was ~61KD. Sad and it keeps getting worse.

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BRAAP - Still waiting on that PM! I know you're busy, but I could really use some advice on this. Thanks man!


Uh oh…. incastrato.gif I just went through my PM box, all its subfolders, and I don’t have any PM’s from, or, to you. I did clean up my PM box about month or so ago… (cringing at the thought that I probably deleted a PM I was supposed to reply to…) beatin.gif



PM me again. I’ll make sure I get back to you post haste.

Please accept my apologies.





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