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Wacky idea


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I just got back from a walk thru the junkyard, and I noticed a fairly new maxima there.. I didn't catch the EXACT year but it may well have been this side of 2000. Now I am wishing I HAD checked the model year, because I cannot find a picture of what I saw.. but the intake manifold had a double bodied TB on the driver side front wheel. I saw it and immediately wanted two more, because hey.. thats individual butterflies!!!!


What are the odds I could actually DO something like that?? I was picturing trying a weber manifold first, and checking spacing to that, but if need be runners and a flange could be parted together....



Does anyone happen to know the diameter of the TB's I am talking about? The way I figure, if two of them are enough flow for what was probably a VQ30 or at LEAST a VG-D, then six should be ample for at least 400 horse on an L-series...


OTM, you listening? I am also kinda picturing your ITB concept with your VH45, here, too.....


EDIT I found a couple pics..


Its in the extreme upper left corner in this first pic




And obviously these photos are on a turbo'd car.. I saw at LEAST one or two other vehicles with this type of TB out there, so its probably a VG thing and not a VQ.. but I dunno!


Am I just kidding myself, or have I made a discovery that nobody has stumbled across yet?

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Ford trucks from 1990ish to 1999ish also have dual throttle blade TBs.


Chevy used dual throttle blade TBs on thier TPI intakes from 1987ish to 1993ish.


Newer Mustangs also use dual blade throttle bodies...


What I'm getting at is there are MANY dual throttle blade TBs out there. I'm sure many of them could be adapted and work for what you are thinking of.

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