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"Common" Fuse keeps blowing upon connecting the battery terminals


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  Careless said:
it could be that there was a lot of water getting into the whiper motor connector or seal that made it's way to the motor coil.



It was raining pretty heavy here in NJ yesterday... First time I had it out in the rain, just picked it up a few weeks ago and garaged it since then. Clear today so maybe it will dry out abit... going to disconnect the switch as well.



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Hmmm.... Car was running fine and took if for a ride tonight. after about 10 minutes the fusible link blew again.. did not run the wipers but did plug the connector back. Is it possible for a short in the wiper motor to blow a link even if the wipers are not operating?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,


Thought i'd post you my findings.


Common fuse is a pain in the arse. It runs all around your car like a highway where everything else will connect to it and branch off.


Anyhow i had an auto-electrician look at it. He pretty much removed the blue ->black cable from the back of the fusebox and the car starts and runs fine without the common fuse circuit.


I've now hit another snag and that is... when my headlights are turned on, my dash doesn't light up and neither does my rear brake lights. If it is related to the common fuse i'm gonna have to rip open the harness and find the burn. Currently doing a search in hybridz, from what it says its been covered before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The typical Haynes Manual diagrams and the factory wiring diagrams ARE WRONG!!!! There is no correlation between these diagrams and the actual Main power circuits in your car. This really blew my mind when I finally tore several harnesses apart to find how it really works.


Here is a greatly simplified picture of how the main power circuits REALLY work in your early S-30





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That would kinda make sense then.


Everything works without that common fuse.


What kinda silly design is that. It has no relevant purpose except for resistance fall back in the other circuit.


But yes I've removed that circuit for the common fuse. Everything still runs fine. I'm having grounding issues with the light switch but thats an issue i'll resolve when i whack in the dash and everything back together.

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