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Spaced Out in Space Coast Fl - Want/Need 240, 260 or 280 Z

Guest Rage&Ruin

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Guest Rage&Ruin

Any Body? I want to avoid the later 280/300 ZX. Ideal would be a 280Z.


But I am open. I am looking for a low cost ride I can prep for Grassroots Motorsports Challenge.


I don't mind (in fact I enjoy) working on the car - I want a project car - running is better than not, etc...


Any One?

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Guest Rage&Ruin

Guys I don't mind a drive or haul as it far as that goes. But I am working with a budget of 2008/2009 - the Grassroots Motorsports Challenge limits the total cost of everything from car to mods, repairs, upgrades etc to 2008 or 2009(next year) it is always the same as the year. Have to show receipts and has to be reasonable I cant claim I paid 200 for 4000 car if it looks like a 4000 car, besides that would be cheating and a Lie, not cool.


So I need to get run preferably running for as little as possible. That way I can make repairs, mods, etc... Everything counts, cost of paint, tires, etc... everything but gas.


I have a supercharger or two and some turbos so adding boost wouldn't be that hard - but I would have to count the cost of that...


Yea I know maybe it is a tall order, but that is why I am reaching out for help on the board.


If I was just buying then sure, I can spend 4-5k, etc...


So help a guy out! Leads possibles, etc... If I can get it quick enough I can get it ready for 2008 if not then I need to shoot for 2009.


Thanks for the replies.


PS - how much for yours Pat?

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Guest Rage&Ruin

All sound like fair prices, but still above my budget for the GRM event. I might have to go with a non-Z car but that will suck.


I need like a sub $1000 car so I can make the the right mods... dang, if any body knows anyone or has a lead on a car or someone they can pm or have me pm, that would be great!


I appreciate the help.

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