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Regional Forums?


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I am have been a member here for a while and love everything that is discussed and done with the forum. One thing I have noticed that other forums have that I really enjoy and benefit from is a regional forum (southeast, northeast, southwest, etc..) or by state. This allows people to meet and sell things locally and on a more consistent basis. It also helps when someone is in a jam and needs someone with experience from another z owner (most the guys on here are really intelligent and have been around z's for a multitude of years and that makes it a lot easier and faster to fix problems). The last thing I can think of is the "where to get this done" part of a local forum. Posting in a regional forum would just make it a lot easier to answer questions and from people that know the area for new residents.


Just wondering if there is anyone else out there that would like to have a regional forum out there? If so maybe we can make this happen.




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A sticky with links to the different regional Z car club forums in the welcome/newbies subsection would do for those who googled and found HybridZ, but were wanting local thats below google's radar.


that way, anyone asking "is there a regional club near me" or "we need a regional forum" can be pointed there.

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