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Diff noise - help - sos - mayday...

Heavy Z

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Hello everyone, I have a very specific type of diff noise that I hope someone has heard before.


Here goes..


My new 327/T5 is running VERY quiet despite having a solid mount on my R200. It is very smooth in town, and also on the highway - until you take your foot off the gas and then it happens. As soon as the car decelerates, a vibrating rattle comes at me from (I believe) the solid diff mount. Then I step back on the gas, and it goes away. :confused:confused2.gif:confused:

I don't mind it that much if it's normal, but would appreciate some imput if this has happened to other solid mount users, as maybe it's something else...




Heavy Z

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i would take that mount out asap since your car is a stick, ive torn the xmember and ripped a mustache bar in half with a solid mount, and i hvae about 250hp tops with a 327/m21, i went with a stock datsun mount and havent had any problems with it, but thats just me, and i do drive my cars pretty tough.

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Heavy Z, the few V8 Z's I ridden in with only a front solid diff mount made a little noise when accelerating, but was REALLY objectionable to me for a street car was all the racket when you backed off the go pedal. What you describe sounds pretty common to me for a not-new R200 with a solid diff mount.

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Ahh, thanks - I feel better now. Does anyone make those cool front diff brackets I've seen on older posts that are used in conjunction with the original rubber mount? Those look like the way to go. 2thumbs.gif


BTW, I've NEVER been in a car that revs faster than a V8 Z. I'm still trippin, as my experience has mostly been in hi-revving alfa Romeos and 911s. The 240 is so light that the engine redlines in no time - these cars need the formula 1-type shifters on the steering wheel! cheers.gif


Heavy Z

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