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Stressed to the max


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Well my sister (two years older than me) is now 33weeks pregnant and was admitted to the hospital late last night. She was taken by ambulance from her home town of Truro to Halifax (hour and a half drive) to a Children's Hospital. Needless to say that I'm stressed to the max.I live about 16hrs away and there's not much if anything that I can do here. I haven't even seen my sister since she's been pregnant other than pictures via email and one online 3D ultrasound early December. We know its a girl, name is going to be Lilly, based on the ultrasound we saw.I just called this hospital and talked to her and she's audibly stressed and not happy. They have her on bed rest so she's not overly happy with that as she's always been an active person. I've never heard my sister like this before on the phone and its not fun. They put her on anti-contraction meds when she first go there but she says she's still had them on and off all day. She says they are giving her something else tonight and will make the decision tomorrow if they send her back to her local hospital or not. If they do send her back and she dialates any more they then send her all the way back to Halifax again so that alone is stressful. Anyway just needed to get it off my chest as its really hitting me pretty hard because my wife and I just decided that we were going to have kids and then this happens to my sister. I know it will all be ok but its just another thing on the plate, first was my surgury last month now this. Just lots to deal with.

sorry for no paragraphs, it won't let me edit it :s

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Hang tight.


NEVER LET YOURS think that she is the same.




It's like thinking your buddy with a radically different car blew a diff, so your scared. DOSE NOT COMPUTE!



My wife COULD NOT have children. I know have three blessings!

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