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I need a MASTER bushing kit

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thanks oddman - didn't see your reply until I posted mine - will await the arrival of the kit and address the grease issue then. Thanks for the pre load info too - that's what I thought (getting in there to torque it will be interesting indeed, given the ride height....guess I'll lay down some planks for the wheels to create some clearance :)

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On a side note... You will find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to install the sway bar bushing without loading the suspension. The bolt provided is too short for you to thread the nut on the other end otherwise. I had a real hard time doing this, even with loading each corner, then compressing the sway bar end into the control arms with another jack or a block of wood.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Mosto f these kits dont say anything about the tension rod bushings- Is there something im missing or do they not include these?


Mine came with them. But be warned, they've been known to snap T/C rods so most people don't use them, or go for the set with the ball joint instead. Personally, I didn't have the option of using my old rubber T/C bushings because they were shot, so I drilled the urethane ones full of holes on one side.

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Ya ive seen a little mention of that. I half wonder about the installation sometimes- Ive seen a lot of harm come from people who install their bushings but dont properly load the suspension when they tighten things down, which puts some extra stress on the parts when you do set the car down and put weight on the bushings.

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  • 2 months later...

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