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84 Distributer on 79, extra connector on module?


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alright i think i found the awnser to a new problem that got worse recently.


little background, this is on an EARLY '79 it has circulating ball power steering instead of rack and pinion, no O2 but has EGR and then some other odd stuff.


any way lately in the past oh, week and a half. if i am going down the road at about 2000 rpm its like the power cuts for just half a seccond and some times i can feel it in the car slowing down and some times i just see it in the tach but its there, today i checked things over and everything looks good except the rotor in the distributer has alot of play before it hits the vaccum advance or before it stops the other way, and i always thought the module on the side was a bit.....iffy (cant remember the name of it)


any way a few weeks ago i pulled a whole distributer in beautiful condition out of an 84' maxima wagon along with some other very nice condition peices and i was wondering if i could just swap them, i have gone over and checked everything on this distributer and its good to go. the only thing that concerns me is the module on the side.


can i use this distributer with out swapping the box on the side?

the 84 has the bladed (male) T connector on the top, same as my 79 but it has an extra one on the side that looks like the injector connector.


i was wondering if i could run it in my 79 with out connecting that extra plug on the side because well, i dont have that connector on my car.

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The extra connector is much like the "spout" connector on a ford.


It allows the ecu to affect the advance of spark.


The module that has two connectors is E12-92 and the single is E12-80.


I believe just going to the E12-92 module will retard your spark 8 degrees so the distributor will have to be advanced and possibly loosen the bolts on the bottom of the distributor for more adjustability.


Other than needing to advance it, it should run the same but there could be slight differences in the advance curve.

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  • 1 month later...

i am resurecting this.


i changed the distributer and everything and the problem is still there, it was acually really bad today.

i did some more testing to see what causes it and it seems to be at random.

2-3k rpm, any speed, will happen maintaining speed or accelerating, happens when sitting still revving out of gear, most noticably when trying to get and hold it to 2000 rpm.


i have checked Vaccum hoses, TPS, timing, MAF majority of the fuel related and ignition related connector under the hood. i popped the MAF open again to see if their was moisture in there and it was bone dry. had it open before to test air temp.


i havent changed the water temp sensor yet (CHTS equivalent)


i donno i am kinda thinkin fuel related. the only thing left to adjust is the air screw on the MAF before i go hunting at injector/pumps

is it possible that the MAF air screw thingy needs to be re adjusted?

in is richer out is leaner right?

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