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Brake problem

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Hi All,


Last week i was moving my car out of the garage, I noticed the brake pedal was going to the floor.......checked the brake fluid level and it was very low for the back braks.


I then found a leak on the rear cylinder, I bought a new one and replaced it, topped up the brake fluid but the pedal is still going to the floor.


Not sure if I bled the brakes properly, I opened the bleed valve on the cylinder, pumped the pedal until the fluid was coming out then tightened the nut, I done this also where you top up the fluid level.


When the pedal goes to the floor the front brakes lock up, but the rear ones dont seem to be working at all?


Any ideas? master cylinder?



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You need to bleed both sides in the rear to be sure all the air is out. If you don't have self bleeder valves or a vacuum pump http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=92474 its a 2 man operation. The vacuum pump works great. You need to have someone else tighten the valve with pressure still being applied to the pedal after the air comes out or you'll just suck air back in.

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