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Need a map for bone stock l28et


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Hi all, i finally been able to start my engine with the megasquirt, now i would need some maps for timing and fuel for the stock setup, no mods at all ! i check the sticky thread but all setups are bigger than mine so maybe someone already done that to a stock one !


thanks alot guys!



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might help saying what ms you have and code,,,,

What I did is took a couple of msqs and altered them. I am not running my car so I wont post the msq yet. Since your only looking for a map for ignition and VE Iam sure there are maps for that there I seem to recall. open there msq in megatune then click export and save them. Re open in your car msq and recalculate fuel and set timing. I believe that should work.

P.S> are you in quebec?

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Guest Rolling Parts

I'm currently working on maps for a bone stock L28ET and Megasquirt-II (using a WB O2 and an exhaust temp probe) to get the engine to a very good base map as close to a factory tune as possible. I'm using EDIS but it's irrelevent since you still need the exact same spark curve map for timing for the engine no matter.

You probably noticed that the VE maps here (http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=88246) are dated and don't match up well with many recent maps others have generated (especially under boost and at the higher RPM portions).


If you make a composite VE and spark map from all the maps here, it will start. I consider an INDEPENDENT wide band O2 and gauge (not connected to Megasquirt) a must without a reliable map. They are down to something like $230 at http://www.diyautotune.com/catalog/innovate-standalone-gauge-kit-lc1-blue-gauge-p-153.html

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