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Buick Aluminum V8

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Hello, I met a man today and was talking to him about my plan to put a V8 in my 84 Z. He said he knows someone that has an all aluminum Buick V8 in "good condition" that I may be able to buy for $300 to $400 most recently this engine has been a boat. I've done a little checking and it seems this a 215 V8 from the early 60's. I am wondering if these engines are well suited for the transplant(seems the weight factor would be wonderful) and do they mod well are they dependable and what this engine might be worth. Thanks in advance for your help.

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They are light, and thats about all the benefit you will get. The Buick V8 motor is now made by ROVER and parts are very hard to come by. Pick up a copy of the January GrassRoots Motorsports magazine, as they had a complete writeup about that motor in their swapping article. Do a bunch of research before you commit to that motor, and if you do decide to go that route, it will be unique, buit expensive.





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