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Window Tint Removal

Guest zfan

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Hey Guys, Got a problem! Ive got an old oldsmobile with window tint in need of removal, its been on the car for 13 years.


Anyone have any experience with removal. Any hints, ideas, etc... Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!


Thanks in advance. Z/Fan..Mike

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Finally, I can comment on something I know a bit about. Mike, there are 3 ways of getting off window tint--I personally hate the stuff, because glass is not commonly smoked from the factory anymore and all ghetto cars seem to have the stuff which now looks cheap and longer classy...


1) The Razorblade Method. This is what our car dealership employs to get the stuff off. Use only the flat part of the blade, never a corner, to get it off. Get a special handle from the hardware store or tool store to get more leverage. This is a long and tedious process, but if you have decent glass, it should clean up nicely.


2) The "Easy-Off" Method. This is potentially harmful to your car and your health, but was employed by some of my "smarter" collegues at UCD. Take masking tape and tape off all surfaces around the window. Spray oven cleaner on the tint and let sit for a while until film bubbles or shows signs of comming off. Take a razor blade and scrape of residual plastic film tint. Don't ever breathe this stuff when spraying and use gloves! Although I have not employed this method, it apparently works.


3) The Car Craft Method. Yes, the magazine actually had a good article on removing the stuff, and the procedure goes as follows: (try to follow me here) On a very sunny day or the summer, take soapy water and wet down the tint inside the car. Immediately take 1 layer of a black trash bag and squeegy it over the tint so that it sticks with no or very little air pockets. After doing this keep the car closed and in the full sunlight. The heat of the sun on the closed car is supposed to make the tint adhere to the trash bag after 2 hours(?) and should be easily removed! I'm almost sure I remember this all, but anyone else is free to comment.


Hope this helps you. Just judge what will work best for you. Anyone else?


David smile.gif

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I just did this last week on my Explorer I sold. The guy did not want the pass. rear doors as dark as they were and he did not like the prospect of doing it himself so I did. All I did was peel the tint which left the glue on the glass. Then I took warm soapy water and 000 steel wool and it all came off nicely. Steel wool has been used in bodyshops for years to clean old glass and in my day have not damaged any glass with it. A razorblade over the glass to check for stubborn spots was used for follow up. IMO!

Good luck! smile.gif



The only stupid question is one you wanted to ask but never did!!!



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I have a solution for the sticky goo that's left over that beats steel wool! smile.gif Get out a can of carb cleaner and a razor blade - spray it! The stuff turns to something akin to rubber cement and scrapes right off. It will even ball up like rubber cement does! Have had to emply this nearly a dozen times, wokrs great for me but I'd advise having towels close by, some Windex, and trying to keep the carb cleaner off the upholstry.

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A tip I got out of the "How to Restore your 240Z" or whatever from Wick Humble was to use Naptha on a rag to de-stick adhesive. Works most of the time, and is alot nicer on things than carb cleaner. I do use carb cleaner spray as a nice solvent though wink.gif.


You can get Naptha in any hardware store in the paint section.

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hey i had the same problem in my old honda shitvic, limo tint everywhere even that front visor tint they love so much, crap

i went with possibly a deadly route, i bought a small butane torch from home depot, and glazed all of the tint with it, never holding it in one spot for more than a second, over and over again for about three minutes total,

boom. pulled off each piece in one piece and didnt even have to clean the glue, i just pulled it while it was still kinda warm,

i dont know, worked for me!

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