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cool blue headlights


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hey does anyone out there have the upgraded

cool blue sylvania headlamps on their z?

im going to try to use them possibly as an upgrade to my candlelight headlights that im running right now. im scared that they put out too much juice for my poor light switch, which i have had to replace twice!!!!! ok guyz im rambling, any help is great


shake em and bake em....

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Guest Anonymous

You'll need to probably take the plunge and put in a headlight relay setup (painless makes one, and theres another company that escapes me right now thats cheaper). It takes the load off the stock Datsun switch and allows for more juice to the headlight safely. I think several members have put them on they're car, I know its on my huge 'stuff to do list' as mine has a bad ground anyway that needs sorting out.









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I wish i remembered the website, but the thing about them is they dont help you see any better. In most cases they make it worse. A website on automotive lighting used a lightometer or something LOL. And found out that they dont help.


HID, is something totallly different. It can be done but its expensive.


Also, in IL, the blue lights weill get you in trouble with the cops. I have freind who have had major problems with the POPO because of em.



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Guest Anonymous

Yeah, my brother has blues in his 64 ranchero, I drove it at night and thought they kinda sucked and couldn't see that well with them, he likes the fact they look blue when they're off. I'll take as bright white as I can get thank you, but thats just a personal opinion and your eyesight may vary. smile.gif








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The article on doing the harness is on this site. If you've burned two switches out already you're PAST due for the swap! It took me less than an evening to do the swap and in that article I recomend a company who's harness will cost less and work better...


For those of you running "normal" lights - consider it too. I'll bet if you check the voltage at your lights and at your battery it's SEVERAL volts LOWER! The reason is the resistance in the harness and in the switch - stock it runs ALL juice through the stalk - not good. By using relays you'll find that the voltage comes up and the lights are brighter without ever having to swap bulbs. I was AMAZED at the difference with my Hela's...


P.S. I checked my Hela's - no adjustment lugs at all. Gues they're Euro huh? smile.gif

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Evan is right! There was an article in Overboost.com in which they did a pretty extensive job of investigating the new "blue lights." The results were that the blue bulbs are a cheap rip off and even the so called "quality" ones like the PIAA's DO NOT actually put out more light. They do, in fact, put out a little less!! It's a simple law of physics, there is no free lunch and never will be!


Now, other than the possible legal aspects of these lights (they are NOT legal in CA or in most other states, period) if one upgrades to halogen lights with these blue bulbs, as opposed to running the original ones, then yes, there will be "more" light. They have a unique visual effect and on a Z they are interesting, but still illegal even though it's legal to sell them in stores! Kinda like, "Hey it's ok to own a gun, but illegal to fire it within the city limits or show it in public or conceal it while carrying it" (stupid laws in CA).


I don't have the link, but that article was from Overboost.com smile.gif I personally think HID (high intensity discharge) lights are awesome because they use the same light, apparently, as what happens when a flashbuld goes off--that bluish white light. Real ones run on VERY high voltage and are $$$. I'll have to settle for the fake ones if I do it at all, but I'll stick to "regular yellow" halogens from Hella or PIAA. That will be on the "finished" car. I'm happy at the moment to have Kragen Auto Sylvanias right now smile.gif



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Mine aren't Sylvanias, I don't think. I just bought them as a "what the hell, might as well try 'em" deal at the local parts store.


They aren't really blue if thats what you want. But they are a hell of a lot brighter!

I'm using an H4 conversion light as well BTW.


Just remember that these are an HID immitation and that they'll never have the same output. You can't just put HID bulbs into your stock lenses cuz the lenses won't scatter the lite the right way. But for a little more brightness and to keep people from running head-on into you, the blue bulbs sure do help!







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