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Remember those Datsun FSM "Japanglish" Phrases?

Tony D

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This just showed up in e-mail... and I started laughing immediately!


(Names Changed to Protect the Guilty)


You will see my favorite as you read, but there are a couple of nice Japanglish Translations. No other point, just struck me funny!


Details of Problem

1. Rear side bearing burnt, bearing case bite

Rotor was dropped bite and coil burnt.

Now not rotate by manually.

Coil burnt smell

2. Today, YYZ was removed outside covers

3. They will remove motor from the skid.

4. If motor remove, urgently confirm motor condition by disassembly

In that time somebody present from Mitsubu and motor manufacturer.

5. Urgently need motor insanity calculation sheet.

6. Inform to us motor shaft materials.

7. Inform to us motor manufacturer Tatung Co. Chinese characters.

8. They are worrying the other machine will cause same trouble.

9. Please inform any idea for avoiding this kind of troubles for 1st

and 2nd machines.

If necessary man powers, we will present our engineers,

please let us know how many peoples do you need

. Please inform protection ways of avoiding this kind of troubles.

Now no spare compressors, if broken two unit, we can not

operate several thousand million plant will be totally stopped.

very worry about this points.


He he he, 'Motor Insanity Calculation Sheet'... :hs:

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