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Need some wiring help with a wiper motor!


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So I'm hoping one of you brilliant people has the answers I need!!


My wiper motor went out in my 77 280z, and I'm switching in the motor/transmission from my parts car - a 74 260z. The problem is the plugs aren't compatible, although they have the same number of wires - 6, with two separated out - on both plugs. Can I just wire up the new plug with the wires in the same positions?


The wires are different colors, and the wiring diagram I have for the 260 doesn't specify any codes for the wires going to the plug or the motor, unlike the one I have for my 280... Any ideas before I go testing all 36 combinations?


Thanks in advance~

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Welcome to the forum. :)


First thing you want to do is use the search function. Then if you cannot find what you need then post a question like this in the appropriate location.




2. Please use the search function before you do anything else. The search button can be found at the top of the page. Use several keywords if you don't find what you need right off the bat. Remember: Just about every possible topic and problem has been posted and answered, in most cases several times. The Members on this board are very helpful and a great crowd of Z enthusiasts, but answering the same questions over and over again gets old.


Here is a thread you might find helpful...but please do search.



Edited by Phlebmaster
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I am 3/4 of the way re-wiring my car, What I can tell you is my 77 wiper is ground controlled, I found this out by connecting the wiper ground wire to the "on" position on my toggle switch, and then connected a wire from the "off" position on the toggle switch to ground. Then I connected a wire to the wiper 18 ga black or dk blue wire to the battery positive. In the picture below, the big white tag on your right is the ground wire in the photo, and the dk.-blue or 18ga black wire with the white tag on your left is the 12v power wire.



There is a Yellow, Blue/yellow stripe and Blue/red stripe wire and yellow/green wire these wires from what I have put together control the wiper speed, intermittent and the wiper washer.

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