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Red dash guage lights

Guest LIghtningZ

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Guest LIghtningZ

Whats up guys quick question i have driven so many old cars that i'm sick of green hued dash light and want to give my 280 red gauges instead of that sick green (besides they look just plain cool and i find them much easier to read!!) Here's the question how the hell do you get to the gauge lights (I am mechanically inclined with just about everything ... but Z dashes!! :confused:bonk.gif '

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first you need to take the center console out...then the heater/stereo face plate.


then you have access to the gauges...youll need to take all the gauges out in order to change the colour of the lenses/bulbs. on the 280Z the tach and speedo have a small set screw in the plastic housing on the outside...youll see it if you but your head on the edge of your seat and then look up at the gauges.


the colour of your gauges is set by these little plastic lenses that are pushed and the melted to the gauge housing.


the crappy thing is...is that you must take the gauges completely apart in order to get those little lenses off once you brake them off. watch it when you take apart the gauges as some have tiny little phenolic(sp?) spacers betweem some electrical contacts...and if they fall out....good luck getting them back in.


after you take everthing apart...just push on the lens from the outside of the housing with a screwdriver...the should eventually pop out.


now that the lenses are out..you can use those autometer colourcondom things....or you can take your bulbs and spray stain glass colour (thats what i did and it works out very well) on them...depending on the layers of colour...is exactly how they turn out.


good luck...

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It really sucks taking apart the gauges...I modded my Autometers by lining the area around the gauge face with some of that flexible neon wire. No need to tear apart the gauge, just disable the stock bulb.


Maybe if you got the expensive stuff, you could actually have 3 different colors at the flick of a switch! Or have them stobe light??? Just make sure your eyes and brain don't wig out and give you a seizure while you're driving.





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hey owen....


thats a fine idea....although that means that i have to shop in the ricer section of autozone bonk.gif


right now im running the lights in a nice blue tone (about six layers of stain glass colour)

but im going to be switching to red soon....as my VDO boost gauge is red.


owen...do they make the neon string in red?...that would be kinda cool.

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Guest Anonymous

lights are for wimps! I have new gauges those Cobalt's from autometer .. im just way to lazy to take out the dash eheheh .. =( to much work for me im lazy =P ugg.gif WAIT i have an idea ...


Just wear like colored sunglasses when you drive and make the green another color =D that's how us lazy people do it.

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