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voltage regulator fun


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so my volt meter was starting to look like my tac ( revving up every time I revved the engine) So I figured the voltage regulator was having issues. I unplugged it and the car now runs fine. The Battery is nether over charging or dieing. It also idles a little higher. any reason I should get a new one? I am sure there must be. Or should I just run the l28 without a voltage regulator?Thanks!


p.s. It was kind of fun having my volt meter in the red as my gauges and headlights where super bright and my wiper where ridiculously fast lol. I was sure something was going to catch on fire.

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I had the same problems on my 76 as you did, until I swapped the alternator:



If you have a later model alternator with built-in voltage regulator, then you won't need your stock one. After the upgrade, my voltage gauge is steady, the charging voltage is about 13.8-14V, the lights are brighter etc. I found the 79 alternator at the local junk yard.


This fusible link upgrade followed:


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