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Silly fan Q

383 240z

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I was wonder about the effectivness of mounting an electric fan in front of my rad and wiring it as a pusher. I do not have enough room to mount it on the engine side. any thoughts as to the problems this may create? No this is not for the datsun but my "other project" would like to have a drink of nice cold water!! Keith

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Guest greimann

Some aftermarket fans can be wired either way, but some fans state that their effectiveness is best as a puller. Most of these puller-only fans have airfoil shaped blades that are designed to be efficient in one direction. The flat blade or paddle blades usually swing both ways, if you know what I mean. There is no issue with the fan motor as a DC motor can spin both directions equally well. It is just a blade limitation.

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Most modern fans have shaped crossection blades and only are efficient in the designed rotation direction. This is done for several reasons. One is a high efficiency (air moved vs rotational speed and torque), another is lower noise. I'd advise against using one of these fans in reverse direction, as I don't think it will be very useful. I used to do some work in the submarine propeller field, and boy, some of the higher tech fans I see look quite familiar in concept :D .

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