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0-100mph in 10sec.


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I studied the datalogs from an MSII run on the highway today and with relatively slow shifts, first, second, and third, I pulled a 0-100mph in about 10.2 seconds. This was without a launch. I rolled on the highway at about 13 mph and punched it. I extrapolated the graph back to 0 mph to get the start time. I also extrapolated to 100mph because I let off at 85mph...public roads you know. So the data could be off. It's certainly in the 10-12 second range though.


Yes a stopwatch or g-tech would work, but I discovered that you can input tire diameter, and gear ratios, into Megalogviewer to calculate speeds in different gears based on RPM.


16 pounds of boost. Stock lower end, and refreshed stock P90.

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I just think it's a nice reference. There are a lot of high dollar performance cars in the 8-10 second range. I could pick up 1 or 2 seconds if I could slam shift it. I just can't justify destruction of the tranny to do it though. It is taking me about 0.9 seconds to shift. Very slow. I am not sure why, the trans is a bit notchy and does not like to shift really quickly.


Has anyone else used Megalogviewer to calculate speeds in each gear?

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I was out on a deserted section of I25 in the northern part of New Mexico and used MLV to test a 4th gear pull. I downshifted into 4th at about 80 mph and went to WOT until redline. Using MLV afterwards I was able to see that I went from 85 mph to 125 (redline in 4th) in 9.4 seconds. I was pretty happy with that given the only aero mods i have are a spook up front on my 73 which we all know has the aero of a brick.

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