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Youtube video of dry ice blasting on a 240z!!


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After seing this earlier this afternoon, I contacted the one and only company utilizing this method in San Diego for more info. It was mentioned to me that they blast at around 125psi, if memory serves me correctly, sand blasting requires 90ish psi and not so good for thin s30 metal. I'm sure the dry ice gives more than sand, but thats some force behind it.

Can you give me their info so I can ask them if they rent them out?

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Thanks for posting the video! This looks very interesting.


I couildn't find any places such as a Rent-a-Center that had these but there are two places listed for Colorado that appear to offer the service.


Blast Cleaning Directory.com, a division of dryiceInfo.com

(http://www.blastcleaningdirectory.com/Countries/USAWest.htm) listed these places. Perhaps they could tell you if anyone rents them in our area.




P.O. Box 2087


Colorado, 80150 USA

Telephone: (720) 933-4422

Fax: (303) 233-2463


1304 Cumberland Street

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907

Telephone: 719-599-0002

Fax: 719-262-0410




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  • 9 months later...

Dry ice blasting is a great tool from cleaning all types of things in all types of industries. Here is a link to a free site that talks all about dry ice blasting. DryIceNetwork.com You should be able to find some good information. I have seen it strip the paint off a car right down to the metal before. It is really amazing the way the paint just blasts off.

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